Sun in Leo: The Return of The King
Everyday Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Planetary Transits Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Planetary Transits Anna Niescieruk

Sun in Leo: The Return of The King

While writing this, “The Lion King” Simba’s question plays on repeat in my head: “This is my Kingdom. If I won’t fight for it, who will?” which is a powerful metaphor for “This is my life. If I won’t steer it into a direction I want, who will?”

Sometimes we don’t want to believe (or see) how much we have neglected ourselves and our own needs, until the Sun moves into Leo and finally knocks some sense into us. Our “bump” can be small or big, depending on our starting point and on how much we have lost our own identity, sense of self, ability to create, enjoy life and have fun.

So, how big is your bump?

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Mercury in Leo: Express Yourself!

Mercury in Leo: Express Yourself!

Imagine Mercury as a person.

Eloquent, smart and mischievous type, who loves to talk, learn and speculate. A guy, who knows all the who-is-who and what-is-where. You’ll find him in a brilliant computer hacker, in a bright hustler or in a charming smuggler who sells cigarettes from the country, which name you cannot even pronounce. Think Loki. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Captain Jack Sparrow.

And now imagine him travelling through 12 different kingdoms - each of them, with a very different and distinctive culture, values, norms and traditions. In some of those places, he’ll thrive and feel like a fish in a water. In others, he’ll feel challenged, bored or misunderstood

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Full Moon in Capricorn: The General accepting his defeat gracefully
Everyday Astrology, Lunar Cycle Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology, Lunar Cycle Anna Niescieruk

Full Moon in Capricorn: The General accepting his defeat gracefully

For people who are at the very beginning of their astrological explorations, that fact that every New Moon and succeeding Full Moon take place in opposite signs is a bit puzzling. Why New Moon in Aris is followed by Full Moon in Libra? And then, why does it jump back again to New Moon in Taurus, with the lunation in Scorpio two weeks after?

What is this sorcery and who is to blame?

The Moon. The Moon is to blame ;)

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Time to close Unfinished Business (Mercury retrogrades into Taurus)
Everyday Astrology, Planets Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology, Planets Anna Niescieruk

Time to close Unfinished Business (Mercury retrogrades into Taurus)

So, I got some good news and then even better news!

Good News: You’ve survived half of Spring’s Mercury Retrograde!

Better News: From today on, you’ve got a second chance to revise matters and decisions you’ve made around last days of April, as Mercury returns to Taurus and is going to revisit all the cosmic spots it has already been travelling through three weeks ago.

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Gemini Season: Cosmic Garden Party

Gemini Season: Cosmic Garden Party

If I were to describe the Gemini energy in a social and seasonal context, I would say that it manifests as those sweet, warm, we-are-just-about-to enter-summer evenings, where people traditionally gathered in front of neighbors’ houses for an evening tea (or something stronger), to talk and exchange information.

Imagine that these are the times pre-Internet and TV, so the only form of entertainment and a way of getting information is other people…

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Taurus Season: A Time to Try “Slow Living”

Taurus Season: A Time to Try “Slow Living”

In a world where many of us have been trained to go for things that bring instant gratification, Taurus energy will temper “I want it all and I want it now” attitude, in favor of “I just want to take it nice and slow”.

Taurus energy is slow and steady but once it gets going, it can go all day long (and all night, as a matter of fact ;)). Now it’s time to commit to a project that you would normally put aside as it just “takes too long” and requires time and patience.

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Mars in Capricorn: Freedom Convoy 2022 aka Why you shouldn’t mess with Canadian Truckers
Everyday Astrology Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology Anna Niescieruk

Mars in Capricorn: Freedom Convoy 2022 aka Why you shouldn’t mess with Canadian Truckers

When I think about Mars in Capricorn, what instantly comes to my mind is Captain America and his famous catch phrase: "I can do it all day long". Mars, a malefic planet with a bad rap, has a great ability to fire up anger, conflicts and our worst impulses; however if it finds itself in Capricorn placement, his "aggressive" energy tones down and manifests as driven, determined and steady instead.

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Mercury Retrograde: Re-Thinking New Years Resolutions
Everyday Astrology Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology Anna Niescieruk

Mercury Retrograde: Re-Thinking New Years Resolutions

Mercury has been doing the "one step forward, two steps back" dance since the very beginning of this year. On the 2nd of January, it transitioned from Capricorn to Aquarius, and half way "in" started to move "backwards". Yesterday it re-entered Capricorn again and guess what? -"some-when" today, it will hit the exact position it had on 1st of January!

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