Mercury in Leo: Express Yourself!


Imagine Mercury as a person.

Eloquent, smart and mischievous type, who loves to talk, learn and speculate. A guy, who knows all the who-is-who and what-is-where. You’ll find him in a brilliant computer hacker, in bright hustler or in a charming smuggler who sells cigarettes from the country, which name you cannot even pronounce. Think Loki. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Captain Jack Sparrow.

And now imagine him travelling through 12 different kingdoms - each of them, with a very different and distinctive culture, values, norms and traditions. In some of those places, he’ll thrive and feel like a fish in a water. In others, he’ll feel challenged, bored or misunderstood. He will do what he normally does nevertheless, but his strengths will either shine or dissipate.

How does Mercury feel in the Leo-land, and how his short visit will impact the way you communicate, learn and process information?

WHAT: Main topics in Leo kingdom

If you ever met a proper Leo in your life, you might have noticed that they love one topic in particular: THEMSEVES. Once I’ve heard about an astrologer who organized a 3-hours lecture titled - I kid you not - “How it is to be a Leo” and if that’s not the best one-liner summary of Leo’s essence, I don’t know what is ;) I guess it won’t be surprising then, that during the next two weeks, you may feel an unusual urge to talk about… well, yourself.

As Leo will give Mercury a boost of courage and bravery, self-expression will come easier to all of us - including the shy and modest types. This is a great time to participate in job interviews, promote your business or services, come up with promotion strategies or even to write an autobiography! Mercury in Leo feels very confident so you will be very convincing in everything you’ll try to communicate - just be careful not to overdo it as you may risk coming across as self-centered and arrogant.

HOW: Mercury’s Weapon of Choice in Leo

Leo is all about passion, creativity, fun and self-expression, so you may feel a strong need to channel yourself through writing, acting, public speaking, debating, discussing, storytelling or singing.

This is also a fantastic time to try a new creative hobby and discover your hidden artistic talents. Leo’s fire will fuel Mercury with drive and passion for learning an exploring, so if something sparked your interest recently, but you were putting it off, now it’s the time to go for it!


To sum up, in the upcoming two weeks the universe invites you to focus more on yourself, your self-expression and creative side - accept the invitation and you may discover a whole new dimension of your creative abilities.

Happy creative endeavors!


Sun in Leo: The Return of The King


Full Moon in Capricorn: The General accepting his defeat gracefully