Full Moon in Capricorn: The General accepting his defeat gracefully
The “odd” couple
For people who are at the very beginning of their astrological explorations, that fact that every New Moon and succeeding Full Moon take place in opposite signs is a bit puzzling. Why New Moon in Aris is followed by Full Moon in Libra? And then, why does it jump back again to New Moon in Taurus, with the lunation in Scorpio two weeks after?
What is this sorcery and who is to blame?
The Moon. The Moon is to blame ;)
The Sun travels roughly 30 days through each sign (that’s why, all the people who were born from 20-ish of June to 20-ish of July, are Cancer). The Moon, however, uses the same 30 days to visit every single constellation, completing a full circle around the Earth and coming back to where it started. Hence, at the New Moon, the Sun and the Moon conjunct (meet exactly at the same place in the Sky), while 2 weeks later, the Moon has already travelled half of the zodiac, placing itself six signs apart and opposing the Sun from the other side of the Zodiac Wheel.
From all of the opposite signs couples, Capricorn-Cancer has always been the oddest one for me. Full Moon in Capricorn, where we are invited to release and let go of all our challenges associated with career, ambition, structures and systems and goal-setting, feels bizarre when it’s happening in family, intuition and emotions-oriented Cancer season. It’s almost like “let’s put on hold for one day this nice family time where we enjoy love and togetherness and focus on revising the strategy about our next career move”.
It’s odd, indeed. But it’s also worth it.
Back to the beginning of 2022
Capricorn Full Moon occurred yesterday at 20:37 CET, and one way to utilize its power, is to go back (mentally, of course ;)) to the last New Moon in the same sign and reflect on the wishes, intentions and goals that were set up at that time.
So when was the last New Moon in Capricorn?
Believe it or not - on the 2nd of January - where most of us where setting New Years Resolutions, writing down our annual goals and planning big moves for 2022.
Hence today, Full Moons energy is going to help us revisit our BIG 2022 GOALS and determine what is not feasible anymore. And what should we postpone or completely let go off.
“The General Accepting his Defeat Gracefully”
In 1925 (almost one hundred years ago) an American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and gifted clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler came up with 360 messages for each degree of a Zodiac Wheel. That’s how Sabian Symbols - used by many astrologers around the world - were born.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s position (21,21’) at Capricorn’s Full Moon is: “The General Accepting his Defeat Gracefully” and it invites us to not only let go off unattainable goals but to also accept “that letting go” with peace.
So today, I have revisited my New Years Goals & Plans, and I asked myself a couple of typical Capricornian questions:
Is this feasible?
Is this practical?
Is this possible to achieve?
Do I have enough money/time/mental space to do this?
… and I had to say “Good Bye” to three of them (at least for this year). It was somewhat sad (no, won’t be able to obtain certificate in Astrology this year, and yes, it sucks), but necessary, as it helped me to release a big chunk of mental space and allowed me to focus on things that still can be achieved.
It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary.
Just like a Capricorn.