Aquarius Season 2022: Joker Stole a Batmobile and other weird stories
Aquarius Season started on 20th of January and will last until 18th of February 2022.
If you see a headline: "Joker stole a Batmobile, robbed 2 banks, dropped all the money at the door of a local orphanage and afterwards boarded a flight to Jamaica using Batman's passport" you can be damn sure, you are in Aquarius Season.
The “Weirdo” of the Zodiac
Aquarius is "the weirdo" of the Zodiac. Many things can be said about the Water Bearer but one is certain and some-what predominant: IT DOES NOT FIT.
And frankly, he doesn't really care about fitting.
When everyone goes left, he will go right.
If the newest fashion trend is to wear skinny jeans, Aquarius will pull out his flared pants from the deepest corner of the closet, rocking it like it's 1969.
At an underground rave party, you may find him at the bar, reading Hemingway and drinking whiskey, but if the right tune kicks in, he will jump on a floor, pull off the most mesmerizing dance routine and... go back to reading his book after the song is over.
In modern astrology, Aquarius is associated with Uranus - the planet of rebels, revolutions and unpredictability. However in traditional Hellenistic astrology, Water Bearer is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of limits, time, rules and karma. I tend to lean towards the latter, and the way I see it is that while Saturn is "the wall", "the norm", "the structure", Aquarius represents everything that is outside of that order. If you ever find yourself in an unknown country at the end of the world, where everyone is welcome to stay regardless of their gender, race, nationality, list of crimes they've committed back in the day, political views or even vaccination status ;) - you can be sure, you have arrived into an Aquarian Kingdom
Aquarian energy is air, fixed and masculine - that's why he's social and intellectual "out of the box" thinker. Yet due to Saturnian influences he doesn't strive to "fit in" like other air signs (Gemini and Libra) and feels very comfortable outside of the social norms - even if it means he's going to be there alone.
Hence, the energy of the next four weeks is going to make it easier for you to stick to your "odd-ness" and enjoy some "me time" in ways you might have never expected.
What to use Aquarian energy (and the next 4 weeks) for?
Try "weird" things
It can be anything from eating deep fried worms, signing up for an Esperanto language course to shaving half of your head. The beacon of strange ideas is going to shine more vividly these weeks. Don't ignore it - follow it. It can take you to new fantastic places.
Focus on some "alone time"
People with strong Aquarian charts (Sun, ascendant, Moon) like their “alone time”, hence this season's energy is going to make you appreciate solitude and your own company. Solo walks, hobbies and activities that require spending time on your own (writing, painting, creating music, research, exploring internet rabbit holes, meditating) or even staring at the sky (or an empty wall) are going to bring you more joy and satisfaction than ever.
Think "outside of the box"
- at your work, in your business or even in your personal life. The next four weeks are going to be extremely favorable for presenting and implementing unconventional ideas, innovative solutions and alternative thinking. Challenge the status quo, do the things in a way you never did them before and your forward-thinking is going to be rewarded.
Shake off all the masks and break the chains
If there's something Aquarius would die for, it's freedom ("Give me liberty or give me death" author Patrick Henry had Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius; "Freedom or Death" Emmeline Pankhurst, the leader of an English suffragette movement was an Aquarius Rising). Contemplate the topic of freedom and what it means for you - both individually and universally. Do you feel free to be yourself or are you rather hiding some parts of “you” from the world, in fear or rejection, exclusion or scrutiny? Aquarian energy will boost your courage to stand up for yourself, express your oddness with pride and will give you a little nudge to come out of your "weird closet".
Happy exploring!
Patrick Henry “Give me Liberty or give me death!”
Emmeline Pankhurst being arrested (yet, still talking ;))