Taurus Season: A Time to Try “Slow Living”
Slow Living
If there ever was a perfect time to try “Slow Living”, it’s now. Taurus Season, which has started on 20th of April and will continue until 21st of May, is an epitome of a “simple, steady, good life”, and invites you to slow down, relax and immerse your senses in all the gifts from Mother Nature.
The very first wave of Taurus energy caught up with me on Easter Monday. Quite spontaneously, we’ve decided to visit nearby plant nursery and buy first spring flowers for the terrace. Walking along aisles full of baby plants and witnessing their delicate bloom worked like the top-notch visit at the shrink - lifted my mood immensely and made me somehow optimistic about the future.
Later that day, I’ve found myself planting freshly purchased flowers on the terrace, using my bare hands. Risking looking like a graveyard robber with a very bad manicure, I followed an urge to truly feel the soil under my fingers. The results were quite interesting:
Yes, my hands and nails indeed ended up looking like those of a graveyard robber…
… BUT, simultaneously, I had a quite striking realization: being covered in mud and sand made me feel more alive and aligned with something meaningful than sitting an creating digital things in a virtual world ever did (that includes my “9 to 5 job” and strangely, even this blog)
What can I say… well played, Universe - you pulled “ a Taurus” on me ;)
Taurus energy in a Nutshell
Taurus is a fixed earth sign - which may not tell you much right off the bat - so let me try to explain it to you in an easy way.
Fixed = consistent. On a good day, fixed means that you will endure through hardships and challenges and you will steadily push through towards your goals until they are completed and nothing is going to stop you (other keywords: reliable, loyal, goes all day, powerful, methodical). On a bad day though, Taurus energy manifests as stubborn, slow, close-minded or even lazy.
To sum up - once Taurus gets going, IT IS GOING, but before it starts, it will take it's time to think about it (in some cases, that time is centuries ;))
Earth = Mother Nature. The Earthiest of all signs, Taurus is almost epitomical with gardens, forests, plants and trees. On a more metaphysical level, Taurus is associated with grounding - just like plants and trees “ground themselves” by hooking up to the soil with roots, you are also invited to “ground yourself” - to slow down, relax and build something meaningful and everlasting.
Due to it’s “earthy” vibes and connection to “matter”, Taurus is also considered "materialistic" - that’s why it is a great season to focus on money and potential improvement of your financial and material situation. Plan your annual budget, apply for loans and grants and if you pray - ask the Universe/God/Higher Power for more Abundance in your life (especially in the materialistic sense).
Looking for more inspiration?
Here’s what you can do, to use the energy of the next 4 weeks to the fullest:
1. Unplug from the Matrix
If you noticed that lately you’ve been spending too much time in a digital world, take the opportunity to disconnect and detox your mind and body from the electronic pollution. Taurus season will make it easier for you, as there is so much going on in the organic world, that with a little bit willpower you may be able to ditch your mobile completely and stare in awe at the nesting birds and blossoming trees.
2. Face “Sisyphean tasks”
In a world where many of us have been trained to go for things that bring instant gratification, Taurus energy will temper “I want it all and I want it now” attitude, in favor of “I just want to take it nice and slow”.
Taurus energy is slow and steady but once it gets going, it can go all day long (and all night, as a matter of fact ;)). Now it’s time to commit to a project that you would normally put aside as it just “takes too long” and requires time and patience. Garden work, rebuilding motorcycle engine, kitchen renovation, house decluttering, staring a green house from a scratch or knitting an entire carpet by the hand (!) are just some examples of a perfect activities for the next couple of weeks.
3. Let’s get physical!
Taurus is ruled by Venus - planet of love and beauty: plan for some activities connected with your physical-self (yes, let's get physical ;)) - beautifying your body through earthly practices (mud mask, salty bath for your tired feet, healthy, enriching diet), and sensual pleasures (massage, SPA, 6-course fancy dinner, passionate night with your partner - or yourself, if there is a lack of partner ;)) fall perfectly into Taurus season.
4. Embrace your inner vagabond
This energy is absolutely fabulous if you are hungry for encounters with nature. If you feel a sudden desire to go to the forest and hug a tree or simply lay down on the grass - that, right there, are Taurusian urges manifesting in you.
Allow yourself to wander; drive, bike or walk “to and through” nature. Explore forests, parks and clearings. Make detours into the unknown and chose the routes “less taken”.
5. Put your wellies on… and then, take them off!
The Earth element in Taurus is very strong, and most astrologers agree it is the "earthiest of all signs". Think of moist soil under your fingers when you try to plant a seed (or tried to pull out a worm from the ground when you were a kid).
Think of a spring-time garden exploding with green, vivid life. Grass under your feet. Intense scent of blooming lilac. Smell of air after May's thunderstorm.
Mother Nature has delivered life back to Earth, so go out and experience her creation - walk barefoot, lay on the grass or take a refreshing bath in a lake or sea. It all waiting for you!