Sun in Leo: The Return of The King
Everyday Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Planetary Transits Anna Niescieruk Everyday Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Planetary Transits Anna Niescieruk

Sun in Leo: The Return of The King

While writing this, “The Lion King” Simba’s question plays on repeat in my head: “This is my Kingdom. If I won’t fight for it, who will?” which is a powerful metaphor for “This is my life. If I won’t steer it into a direction I want, who will?”

Sometimes we don’t want to believe (or see) how much we have neglected ourselves and our own needs, until the Sun moves into Leo and finally knocks some sense into us. Our “bump” can be small or big, depending on our starting point and on how much we have lost our own identity, sense of self, ability to create, enjoy life and have fun.

So, how big is your bump?

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