The first rule of surviving the Apocalypse is to realize you are living through one.

“Sometimes, we don’t need to know everything they’re doing”
It truly amazes me that in times when all is slowly revealed, and the trust in governments and authorities is at an all-time low in almost every country on the face of the Earth, we still carry the same preconceived notion that authorities are somewhat superior to us - “the little people” - and they’re allowed to run the world. Even if it means they’ll run it to the ground.

Omicron: The Origin Story
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captin speaking. I have an important announcement to make. Just a moment ago, I was contacted by the ground crew. One of the people on this fight is infected with a new variant Omicron. The detection was possible through analysis of the PCR tests that all of us took before boarding the plane. We will now approach the infected and attempt to isolate him until the flight is over. We'd like everyone to remain calm and stay seated until further notice to avoid the potential spread of infection."